
2019年3月1日—ItriedtogetBufferto'connect'withmyinstgramfordirectpostingsothatIcanautomatemypostsbutitjustwon'tconnect.,2018年4月20日—YoualsohavetomanuallypostvideosastheInstagramAPIdoesn'tallowit.Italsorequiresmanuallypostingformultipleimageposts.Againa ...,DidyouknowthatInstagramdoesn'tallowyoutopostdirectlyfromBuffertoInstagram?·However,Bufferhasdevelopedawaytoovercomethissituation ...,2024...

Buffer - Not connecting with Instagram

2019年3月1日 — I tried to get Buffer to 'connect' with my instgram for direct posting so that I can automate my posts but it just won't connect.

Buffer still can't direct post to Instagram.

2018年4月20日 — You also have to manually post videos as the Instagram API doesn't allow it. It also requires manually posting for multiple image posts. Again a ...

How to Publish Pre

Did you know that Instagram doesn't allow you to post directly from Buffer to Instagram? · However, Buffer has developed a way to overcome this situation ...

Instagram error library

2024年4月3日 — This error usually appears because Instagram has put a temporary hold on both the account you're posting to and a hold on using the API to send ...

Instagram posts via Buffer sometimes work, sometimes fail

It looks like they've lost connection with your mobile device. To help re-link it with your Buffer account, could you sign out of the Buffer mobile app and then ...

Troubleshooting Facebook and Instagram connections

2024年7月8日 — One of the most common causes of connection issues is missing permissions between Facebook and Buffer. In the process to connect Instagram and ...

Youtube Short to Buffer Instagram Buffer Pinterest Issue ...

2024年3月23日 — I want to post from a youtube Channel Id a short to buffer instagram or Pinterest The Youtube video got detected and the Links got scrapped.